finally I did it: I managed the "migration" from 5.1.0 to 5.2.2.
As some of you might now the change to 5.2. is quite a major change for liferay.
Funnily the final reason for me to migrate was a quite small change: In 5.2.2. finally Blog-Entries get a HTML Title and a friendly URL. This is quite important from an SEO perspective.
(By the way: Big thanks to the liferay community - I triggered this feature by myself by writing a forum post about it - and it has been implemented quite quickly afterwards!)
Why do I write "Migration" in quotationmarks?
After some bad experiences while trying to migrate from 4.3.5 to 5.1.0 (over 4.4.2) I came up with a new "migration" strategy: I install a fresh new bundle and make the necessary changes in the file system. This seems to work with much less problems to me.
Here are the general steps I use to follow:
Step 1: The new installation
- point to database (+ potentially install driver) - now in
- config mail service - now in
- configure the start script (for tomcat:
Step 2: Do the post installation steps
- Transport additional webcontent (In my case I had some html and applets in a folder. This needs to go into the ROOT folder)
- Finalize the file (Normally you have to take everything that is in the _legacy_ properties provided by liferay. This goes especially for authorizations - you can't login if you are migration from an old version due to some algorithm changes)
- (optional) In my case I have to change the port to 9080 - so I have to modify the web.xml file of tomcat
- provide "authentication"files for google or yahoo webmastertools
Said and done. :)
No honestly: Of course it cost my about two days again - but this time especially due to some tomcat specific things I wasn't used to - and some changes in 5.2.2.
But I will describe this in the next post.
ReplyDeleteI already migrated from LR5.1.1.1 to LR5.2.3, but the problem is javascript function not work for the new version.
Did you have any suggestion?