Sunday, May 17, 2009

Liferay deployment problem: "Deployment will start in a few seconds" ....

One more thing I learned today:

After migrating to the 5.2.2 and from JBoss to tomcat (see my migration entry ) I noticed, that I could not deploy portlets anymore.
(Why did I not fix that earlier? In the beginning I used the workaround to copy the full unzipped folders to the server and restarted the server :) )

So as we started a big "Theme" project today (Note: Watch out for upcoming blog entries about themes! :) ) that problem got annoying.

The result I always got was:

... was copied successfully. Deployment will start in a few seconds.
What I finally found out:

The new control panel is great. Really! Also good to install plugins. (Control Panel->Server->Plugin Installation)
What I did forget though: I still had the good old "Plugin Installer" portlet up and running - from the good old JBoss days.

And there it was. The setting:
Plugin Installer -> Configurations -> Destination Directory

still contained old JBoss setting. (Of course - they were still in the DB).
Removing that column solved my problem - deploying works perfectly now.



  1. I am getting this error: "deployent will start in few second"... Can you please help me?

  2. Hey Navin,

    did you try what I did? Did you find that admin portlet?
    Where does your message appear? In the logs or int the deployment console?
    In other words: Which method of deployment do you use?

  3. This may also happen if you did not do any migration and this would be another solution:

  4. J'ai également rencontré le même problème et ce post m'aide beaucoup. Merci d'avoir partagé plus d'informations sur Liferay Java


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